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St Brigid of Ireland Home Learning

Homework will be given out weekly, to be completed in your homework book.

In the event of a class or whole school closure, information about remote learning will be posted here.

White Rose Maths 

Select your year group then select the Term.

Select Autumn Term at the beginning of the year.

In January select Spring Term.

After the 17th April, you can select Summer Term.


Purple Mash

Use your login details to access activities that have been assigned for this term


Classroom Secrets – Once you have signed in, then select your year group. You will find a selection of activities that you can complete.


Times Table Rock Stars

Use your login details to access your class’ activities


Virtual Library

Don’t forget to access our virtual library and select a book to read.

Remember to download the PDF to enable it to become interactive.

virtual-library-to-share-PDF.pdf (