Mini Vinnies
Who are Mini Vinnies?
Mini Vinnies are based in schools and parishes across the world. They come together to form a part of the St Vincent de Paul Society, which is a voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms. Mini Vinnies meet to pray, discuss and support however they can, to help make a difference in their community.
Our Year 6 class is named after St Vincent de Paul and in 2024, the children in Year 6 will be enroled as Mini Vincentians. Together, we will work to turn our concerns into action, using the simple formula of ‘see, think, do’ to find people in need in our community and to help them.
There are many ways that St Vincent de Paul class can work together to help by, for example:
- Writing cards to children in hospital
- Visiting local care homes to sing or play games with the residents
- Knit scarves for the homeless
- Run food collections for local food banks