SSMJ - Christmas Activity Camps
Please download the flyer below for more information about Multi-Activity and Ibrick camps
Please download the flyer below for more information about Multi-Activity and Ibrick camps
Please download the document below for more details about the fayre.
2nd and 3rd December 2023
Please read the flyer below for more info
Please read the flyer below for information about a workshop for parents on 28.11.2023
9th and 10th December 2023
Please see the flyer below for more information about this event taking place on Sunday 15th October.
Please download the PDF below for more details about the revised Open Evening for Yr 5 and 6 parents and children
As Autumn progresses, the mornings and evenings are getting darker, meaning children walking to and from school need to be even more aware of the potential dangers for pedestrians and the importance of wearing bright clothing, making it easier for other road users to see them
Please download the images below, which are reminders about your child having the MMR vaccination.
October 6th- 29th - Free events. Please download the flyer below for more information.
Please click on the link below to access the latest newsletter