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At St John Fisher Catholic Primary School, we recognise the pressures of modern life and how difficult it can be at times to maintain high levels of wellness in challenging situations and to know where to look for support when needed. Thus, we are committed to ensuring that we do everything possible to foster high levels of wellbeing amongst all members of our school community including staff, parents and children.

The most up-to-date evidence suggests that building the following five actions into our day-to-day lives is important to wellbeing:

Connect… with the people around you – family, friends, colleagues and neighbours

Keep Learning… try something new, rediscover an old interests or take on a different responsibility

Be Active… go for a walk, run, cycle, dance. Exercising makes you feel good

Take Notice… be curious, catch sight of the beautiful, remark on the unusual, notice the changing seasons

Give… do something for a friend, thank someone, smile, volunteer your time.

Children’s Mental Health Week 2023

Children’s Mental Health Week runs from Monday 15th May to Friday 19th May 2023.

Below you will find some information to help you support your children.

Mental health poster for parents 2023



Looking After Your Mental Health

Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. Click on the link below to find out more:


Further Mental Health Information

Click here to find out where to get help, information and support for suicide, self-harm, mental health and wellbeing in Oxfordshire.

Click here for information about bereavement and organisations available for support and guidance.

Support for Families

Please find below links to organisations and resources that support families with all aspects of wellbeing; we hope you will find this useful.

  • Parents’ Survival Guide
  • A-Z of Mental Health
  • NHS Live Well
  • Young Minds – This organisation offers free, confidential online and telephone support, including information and advice, to any adult worried about emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of a child or young person.
  • NSPCC – This site offers information on an array of topics including mental health and wellbeing; self-harm and talking about difficult topics.

Parents’ Helpline 0808 802 5544

Scroll down for more information about how the Mental health Support Team can support you and your child.