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Name Type of Governor Term of Office
Mr Paul Higgins Head Teacher  
Ian Courtney MBE Chair/ PFMAC Board Appointment 2nd May 2023 - 31st Aug 2024
Jamie Murray Vice-Chair/ Parent Governor 25th Sept 2023 - 24th Sept 2027
Marion McCarthy Staff Governor 1st Sept 2023 - 31st Aug 2024
Louise Butler Parent Governor 20th Jan 2023 - 19th Jan 2027
Eileen Quigley Foundation Governor 18th Feb 2022 - 17th Feb 2026
Joyce Kamugisha Foundation Governor 23rd Jun 2023 - 22 Jun 2027
Daniel Lawrence Co-Opted Governor 27th Mar 2024 - 26th Mar 2027
Aurnia McCarthy Deputy Headteacher/ Observer  
Matthew White Observer  
Bev Martin Clerk  

To contact the Chair of Governors please email:

Or write to Mr I Courtney, c/o St John Fisher Catholic Primary School, Sandy Lane West, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 6LD.

Current Vacancies

Please contact the school office if you are interested in a Governor role:

Telephone:  01865 779676 

Or by email:

Further Governor Information

PFMAC Governance Information

Our school is part of The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company (PFMAC), the family of Catholic schools in Oxfordshire, who work together to promote the teaching of Christ and the Catholic faith.  

We believe each person is a unique creation made in the image of and likeness of God, called by name, with a special vocation and gifts to bring to the world.  We seek to develop these talents in each individual by being a beacon for Catholic education in Oxfordshire. 

The Local Governing Body is entrusted, by the Board of Directors, with delegated authority within our school. Details of our responsibilities are laid out in the Scheme of Delegation - see below.  

The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England and Wales with company number 9113542 and registered address Addison Road, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 9DG. 


For more information about The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company, please visit their website